Sœur Monique Mage
General Section
I am Sister Monique, little sister of the Assumption. I am bursar general and I work full time in the congregation at the Mother House.
We are an international congregation in 21 countries, we have opted for IMS. All the countries are attached to the central section of Paris. It seemed important to me as general bursar to follow all the files I sent and especially the reception. Because in the countries it may be more or less difficult to follow.
I heard about the modifications of the services and the computer software by the President of the IMS and I was delighted. I am happy to be able to follow the management live. And we know that in the event of a malfunction, we can always reach someone.
Since the time that I have been responsible for the IMS group, the link has been natural with the management teams of IMS. I value relationships.