Sister Joséphine Rasoazanamadio
Daughter of Wisdom
Having arrived in Madagascar in 1934, we are currently in 5 dioceses of Madagascar and we have about twenty communities with 105 Malagasy Sisters and 10 external Missionaries. Most of our sisters live in remote locations with insufficient staff in relation to the wide range of activities at each mission site. Here is a list of our works: school, dispensary, pastoral care, promotion of women, development, prison, orphanage, reception centre (retirement, marriage, etc.), care of our sick and elderly sisters and then studying sisters and young people in training.
The deficiencies cited above, plus the unsettling daily pace of life given the challenges faced by people’s poverty have an impact on the health of the sisters that is becoming precarious. That is why we joined the IMS, which responded favourably to us in 2008, and we have been a member since then.
We are in the IMS to be supportive of the Church and to support each other mutually in difficult times. The IMS helps us reduce our healthcare costs. It allows us to help the poor and needy when we are in good health because it provides us with proper healthcare.
For us, the IMS is an “encouragement and relief in situations and conditions that are inexplicable and inseparable from the poverty of the people.”
What we appreciate at the IMS is its RELIABILITY in reimbursing costs. Thanks to the IMS our healthcare costs are covered and even if there are patients, deaths are reduced.
Thank you to those who work in this field for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
We, the Daughters of Wisdom, are very grateful to you. May God bless you!