Central Africa

The Central Africa Section at the bedside of Covid 19


The global health crisis that is putting our world in distress has prompted us to reflect and to find the appropriate means to continue to fulfil our role of solidarity and mutual aid. It is within this framework that we have started a new activity within the IMS Central Africa Section, namely the visit of the IMS groups in Cameroon in order to show them the closeness and solidarity of the Association in this period of Pandemic.



On the 6th of May 2021, we went to meet the Apostolic Sisters of Saint John. This is the 228 group.


It is an institute of semi-contemplative nuns that has been a member of the IMS since 2017. The group is composed of 14 members living in Cameroon and divided into 2 communities. We visited the one in Yaoundé. It is made up of 10 sisters.

On that day, we met 4 of them. Of the 10 members of the Community, 08 were affected by the Corona Virus and were treated either by the Protocol set up by the State or by that of Bishop KLEDA. This was an opportunity for us to show them the solidarity of the IMS.



At the end of this visit, Fr. Albert NDONGO ASSAMBA, head of the Section, celebrated a special Eucharist. It was a beautiful opportunity to present to the Lord our sick world and to implore his support.





On 12 May 2021, it was the Sisters of the Cross of Strasbourg, Group 5


This is an international religious congregation of Alsatian origin which has been a member of the IMS for many decades. To date, it has 21 members.

We visited a community located 60 km from Yaoundé in a town called Akono.





We met two sisters and a postulant.

One sister broke her ankle (the Group leader) a year ago and is undergoing physiotherapy to remedy the problem.

Another sister suffers from kidney failure. She had a kidney operation, but in March she had a major crisis.

One applicant had a motorbike accident and underwent surgery for a broken leg.



On 19 May 2021, we travelled to one of the largest groups in our Section: The Daughters of Mary of Yaoundé, Group 40.


This is a local congregation that has been present at the IMS for many years. It has 136 members.




That day we went to their General House in Yaoundé.

In fact, the Superior General fell down the stairs and ended up with a broken arm and a hole in her head. She underwent surgery. In addition, in one year, this congregation has had 4 deaths of its members.

Several Sisters had the Corona virus and were treated with the Protocol set up by Monsignor KLEDA.

This was a good opportunity to show them our solidarity.