Sister Eugenie Dena

Sister Eugenie Dena

Manager of the West Africa section

Every year we have new members and those who retire to experience their own insurance or who adhere to the country’s health coverage. There are certainly financial difficulties for some groups, but the spirit of solidarity and sharing is well played out among members who encourage each other. At the meetings of the Major Superiors a lot of exchange and experience are made on the IMS and this earns us invitations.

Participations in diocesan days only in Ivory Coast given the health crisis. We have very regular contacts with local hospitals and clinics and even in some countries of the section. A background work to do and to follow.

We have reception centres accredited by the IMS for rest convalescence (Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Mali, Togo). Six (6) CERAO chambers are approved and made available to the IMS and allow affiliates to spend their rest convalescent from other countries. They are accompanied humanly, spiritually and financially by the help of the social fund. This has become a real pastoral for our section. A social funds commission that meets at least twice a year for this purpose.

We are encouraged and supported by the Bishops of CERAO and all its institutions that pass through and discover the IMS up close.