East Africa

Sr Regina’s testimony

Greetings from the Mount Carmel Monastery Nairobi,


We heard about The IMS through Sr. Tecla and we joined the association in the year 2013.

During that time we had terminally ill and aged Sisters and all of us were covered by IMS which was of great help to us.

Over these years we have all enjoyed medical services offered by IMS especially our terminally ill Sisters who received continued health care all through their long illness.


Great testimony is during Covid pandemic when not sell altar breads could and a number of us were sick with Covid which affected our income. When we expressed our need to the IMS, they responded generously by the Reduction of contribution. This enabled us to receive medical attention plus reimbursement.


Considering the general health of the members whereby a number of us are on constant medication and are aged, we have confidence that IMS will continue to stand by us as before.


Bravo! IMS for your kind services. May God bless you as you reach out to us all.


We keep you in our prayers.


Sr. Regina and community