Reminders about evacuations

The IMS provides the medical evacuation service through its managing agent MSH. MSH uses its network of doctors and assistants covering all countries. The IMS only handles evacuations in life-threatening medical situations.
The procedure to follow is available in the Practical Guide for Group Managers (downloadable from the extranet) and is described below.
It is useful to recall the conditions of this guarantee :
– it is available to members benefiting from Option 1 or 2,
– in the event that treatment is not possible in the country of mission,
– the treatment can be carried out in another country (preferably a regional destination)
– immediate hospitalisation is required.
Examples of life-threatening medical emergencies (Evacuation benefit works) include: stroke, pulmonary embolism, heart failure, third degree burns.
Examples of medical emergencies that are not life threatening in the short term (Evacuation benefit does not work): uncomplicated fracture, degenerative disease, detached retina, renal colic, uncomplicated head trauma.
In all cases, contact MSH’s medical department for advice.
Scheduled evacuation
– The Group contacts MSH International directly ( or +33 (0)1 44 20 98 55),
– MSH International studies the case, has the most suitable assistance provider evaluate the service and negotiates the cost,
– The quote from the assistance provider is submitted to the IMS Group for validation,
– After validation by the Group, the evacuation operation is deployed,
– MSH coordinates the evacuation and ensures that the operation runs smoothly until hospital care is provided (if necessary) and the case is closed.
Urgent evacuation (life-saving cases)
– The Group contacts MSH directly ( or +33 (0)1 44 20 98 55),
– MSH studies the case, has the most suitable assistance provider evaluate the service and negotiates the cost,
– The evacuation operation can be deployed without validation from the Group, but after the agreement of the MSH medical team,
– MSH International coordinates the evacuation and ensures that the operation runs smoothly until hospital care is provided (if necessary) and the case is closed.
The IMS will pay the costs* according to a calculation rule indicated in the Service Guide. The Group will then receive an invoice for its share of the costs (remaining costs).
*flight, ambulance, doctor or nurse, accompanying person, visa and other procedures.