Pope Francis calls for universal access to COVID-19 vaccine

Pope Francis, in his Easter Sunday Urbi et Orbi message, has remembered all those suffering from Covid 19 disease and all those in despair because of the difficult economic situation that many families around the world are experiencing. He also acknowledged the commendable work of the health workers who have cared for the sick people.
In addition, he called on governments and those responsible to seek unity to solve the backlog in vaccination against this disease and asked that all countries, especially the poorest, be taken into account.
Here are some excerpts from Francis’ message:
“The risen Christ is hope for all who continue to suffer from the pandemic, both the sick and those who have lost a loved one. May the Lord give them comfort and sustain the valiant efforts of doctors and nurses. Everyone, especially the most vulnerable among us, requires assistance and has the right to have access to necessary care. This is even more evident in these times when all of us are called to combat the pandemic. Vaccines are an essential tool in this fight. I urge the entire international community, in a spirit of global responsibility, to commit to overcoming delays in the distribution of vaccines and to facilitate their distribution, especially in the poorest countries.
The crucified and risen Lord is comfort for those who have lost their jobs or experience serious economic difficulties and lack adequate social protection. May he inspire public authorities to act so that everyone, especially families in greatest need, will be offered the assistance needed for a decent standard of living. Sadly, the pandemic has dramatically increased the number of the poor and the despair of thousands of people.”