Meeting of the IMS Steering Committee 2018
On November 13th 2018 the meeting of the IMS Steering Committee was held. The day before, a preparatory meeting was held with the IMS sections (General, Belgium, West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa, Madagascar, and Central America); there were rich exchanges about different topics that interested the sections and the groups.
After her speech, Sister AULIAC (Chemin Neuf Community) wanted to pay tribute to Father MENARD (Society of the Priests of Saint Jacques), who was the administrator then the president during the past 21 years. The participants then detailed the results of the work carried out during the past year, before addressing the decisions.
Sister AULIAC was elected President of the IMS and Father SERCK (Mutual Fund of the Religious of Belgium) was elected Vice-President. Monseigneur MUGAMBI (Kenya Conference of Bishops) and Father PECQUEUX (Congregation of the Eudists) were named administrators.
The decisions are quite favourable towards the IMS members, particularly with the contribution of 5 countries decreasing (transition from zone B to zone C), facilities of the implementation of the Social Funds procedure and measured indexations of the contributions.
The next Steering Committee is scheduled for November 7th 2019.