Experience on 26 March meeting of section Central America

Last Friday 26th March we had a virtual meeting with those in charge of IMS Central America Group 11 led by Brothers Nicéforo Garrán, Manuel Matilla and Aura Chaj….
“The invitation to this meeting was very appropriate in this time of pandemic; since the participants from various Congregations from different countries were able to discuss the health situation we face in each locality regarding Covid-19. A presentation was shared with us in which we jointly reviewed the management of the IMS Process; the participation was fluid and harmonious among the representatives; religious and lay people expressed our doubts regarding the management of the Groups. My experience in IMS began in April 2016, being very rewarding to be at the service of the Province to which I belong; in these years I have learned a lot, always hand in hand and communication with IMS Guatemala where I have found professionalism, kindness and empathy; I hope that this meeting is the beginning of future meetings where sharing enriches.
Thank you very much!”
Luz Yadira Díaz Fuentes
Marist Brothers of the Province of México Occidental
Group 11-0031 and 11-0032