Members testimonials on the IMS

As of January 1, 2022, the IMS has approximately 28,000 members in the world and 813 Groups spread over in 139 countries. Discover below some testimonials.
Sister Georgette, East Africa Section
“I have been enrolled in IMS since 1997, since my training in Burkina Faso, Rome, France and Kenya for 22 years. My congregation has chosen the IMS cover and we are very happy with it.
Here in Nairobi, I am responsible for Roussel House and St Theresa’s Centre and I work with 12 of my sisters, all of whom are registered with the IMS. They are relatively young and active in their multiple tasks in the training of the girls we help and in the running of the house in general etc…
Fortunately, our health expenses are very limited and so much the better; today we are proud to contribute to the IMS. But we know that if expensive care arises (accident, dental…), we can count on the IMS.
Sister Arlette, our IMS Group Leader, consults the IMS communications, participates in the meetings, follows the files with precision ; she is perfectly competent (filing requests for mutual aid on the extranet…).”
Sister Monique Mage, General Section
“I am Sister Monique, little sister of the Assumption. I am bursar general and I work full time in the congregation at the Mother House.
We are an international congregation in 21 countries, we have opted for IMS. All the countries are attached to the central section of Paris. It seemed important to me as general bursar to follow all the files I sent and especially the reception. Because in the countries it may be more or less difficult to follow.
I heard about the modifications of the services and the computer software by the President of the IMS and I was delighted. I am happy to be able to follow the management live. And we know that in the event of a malfunction, we can always reach someone.
Since the time that I have been responsible for the IMS group, the link has been natural with the management teams of IMS. I value relationships.”
Sister Marie-Manuella Bellesort, General Section
“I am Sister Marie-Manuella, Sister of the Child Jesus in Le Mans (France) and I am the person in charge of health in my congregation.
We have chosen the IMS for both our sisters in mission and our indigenous sisters in Rwanda. There was an alternative of a contribution of 3 euros per person per year in the country. But this is for emergency care and does not allow for dental care, or cardiologist appointments, or any of the other care that the sisters might need. The IMS really allows my sisters to get the care they need.
The IMS is always there when needed. Two months ago, in July, one of my French sisters was dying from COVID, knowing she had malaria before, and thanks to the IMS she was able to be treated in a hospital in Rwanda. And now she is well and healthy.
The possibility of registering and de-registering members, and of seeing the reimbursements on the internet will facilitate my management. It will be much simpler. Thank you to the IMS.”
Sister Simone Pincepoche, General Section
“I am Sister Simone from the congregation of the Daughters of Saint Mary of the Presentation.
Our sisters in Cameroon are all members of the IMS. For me it is really a question of mutual aid where solidarity is at stake. Solidarity because it is not an insurance but really a mutual aid.
To help us in the management, we have the Guide of the Services of the IMS to which we can refer permanently, a guide renewed and adapted every year. We can consult it on the website. A few days ago I had recourse to it because we had a nun who was injured in Cameroon. The Guide informed us about the steps to take.
I would also like to talk about the relationship between the IMS and the secretary of the group. I feel a real support and a very simple relationship. And I have only one thank you to say to the IMS.”
Sister Joséphine, Daughter of Wisdom
“Having arrived in Madagascar in 1934, we are currently in 5 dioceses of Madagascar and we have about twenty communities with 105 Malagasy Sisters and 10 external Missionaries. Most of our sisters live in remote locations with insufficient staff in relation to the wide range of activities at each mission site. Here is a list of our works: school, dispensary, pastoral care, promotion of women, development, prison, orphanage, reception centre (retirement, marriage, etc.), care of our sick and elderly sisters and then studying sisters and young people in training.
The deficiencies cited above, plus the unsettling daily pace of life given the challenges faced by people’s poverty have an impact on the health of the sisters that is becoming precarious. That is why we joined the IMS, which responded favourably to us in 2008, and we have been a member since then.
We are in the IMS to be supportive of the Church and to support each other mutually in difficult times. The IMS helps us reduce our healthcare costs. It allows us to help the poor and needy when we are in good health because it provides us with proper healthcare.
For us, the IMS is an “encouragement and relief in situations and conditions that are inexplicable and inseparable from the poverty of the people.”
What we appreciate at the IMS is its RELIABILITY in reimbursing costs. Thanks to the IMS our healthcare costs are covered and even if there are patients, deaths are reduced.
Thank you to those who work in this field for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
We, the Daughters of Wisdom, are very grateful to you. May God bless you!”