IMS – presentation to different groups in Ethiopia.

From March 6 to 9, 2024 the secretary of the East Africa section of IMS was present in Addis Ababa, to have a number of meetings that aimed to introduce the benefits of IMS as the Mutual Aid agency for Religious and Priests.
Diocesan groups:
- The first meeting took place with His Eminence Berhaneyesus Cardinal Sourafiel, bishop of the capital city, who welcomed well the purposes of IMS and clarified some questions, as he remembered that some years ago, a presentation was done in the AMECEA assembly.
- We also met with the Secretary General of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Ethiopia, Bishop Teshome Fikre Woldetensae, and his assistant. They were interested to put the medical cover of IMS under the Strategic Plan of the CBCE, as they talk about the “Clergy Care Plan”.
- Finally we also met with Bishop Markos Ghebremedhin, from the Jima-bonga Diocese, who is also the link from the CBCE with the Conference of Major Religious Superiors in Ethiopia (CMRS).
The trip to Ethiopia was planned with the occasion of the general assembly of the CMRS – which took place on March 9, 2024, where the Eucharistic Celebration organized by the Apostolic Nunciature in Ethiopia commemorate an anniversary of Pope Francis’ pontificate.
Many religious groups knew the existence of IMS as a medical aid for the missionaries around the world. A follow up on their interests was requested by the groups.