Hospital Saint Joseph

On August 24th 2016, Mr. REYNIERS (Operational Manager, MUTAS) and Mr. SACHELI (Operations Manager, IMS) met Mrs NOUVION (Development / Communication / International Director, Hospital Saint-Joseph, Paris) and Mrs GARITO- KARAM (International service, Hospital Saint-Joseph).



The goal was to evaluate the situation after 8 months of collaboration.



Upon presentation of their certificate of affiliation, the members of the IMS benefit from agreed rates and are delivered an exemption of payment.



During the meeting, Mr. REYNIERS got a phone call from Cameroon regarding the medical evacuation of a sick sister; she will be quickly admitted and treated at the Hospital Saint-Joseph. Besides the quality of the medical care, the hospital ensures the living environment of the patients; the establishment is characterized by its many green spaces. The patients also have access to the chapel, known for its magnificent stained-glass windows.