Declaration of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference on COVID-19

25Statement by Monsignor Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
In Peru, as of 25 May 2020, more than 119,000 people have been infected and almost 4,000 have died from Covid-19.
“The Church of Peru, through the Episcopal Conference, is ready to put all its ecclesial structure to help those who suffer most from the pandemic.”
“All the 47 ecclesiastical jurisdictions of Peru have parishes, which are about 1,538. Each parish has chapels, confraternities, movements, pastoral departments, social action offices, congregations, parish colleges and volunteerism. In this sense, the Church in Peru has a network, established many years ago, which we are willing to make available. The government must make alliances, it cannot do it alone, it is a question of working together to face the emergency”, said Bishop Cabrejos.
Likewise, the president of the Peruvian episcopate said that the Church is currently providing significant support to those most in need and suffering the consequences of the pandemic through Caritas offices in all jurisdictions: “We are all working, helping with food, water, medicines and whatever else is possible. Tomorrow we’re going to have a virtual meeting to analyse what else we can do as a Church because this pandemic will continue. We need to do a globalisation of solidarity”.
Finally, he appealed to the population to continue to maintain the care that would prevent new infections with COVID-19. “We must maintain health standards. In the midst of this harsh reality, this invisible virus that does not discriminate against anyone, everyone must take care of themselves. Take care of yourself to take care of others.” 25 May 2020
Archbishop Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte is Archbishop of Trujillo, President of the Peruvian Bishops’ Conference and President of the Latin American Bishops’ Council (Celam)
Source: Peruvian Bishops’ Conference