Calling on the Social Fund

In this time of pandemic, International Missionary Benefit Society groups may face particular economic difficulties, especially in providing health care. International Missionary Benefit Society groups can ask for exceptional help through the Social Fund to complete part of the reimbursements for high expenses such as hospitalization or dental, optical, hearing care, repatriation…
The groups first make a request to the Social Fund committee of their section. This is level 1. Then according to the amount that remains to be paid, they can make a request to the IMS international Social Fund committee. This is level 2. The supplement paid is made up to a maximum amount of 50% of the remaining sum borne by the Groups as regards level 1 and the same too for level 2.
For this, once they have received assistance from the IMS for this healthcare expenditure, the Group Manager compiles a folder to support the request and forwards it to their reference Section.
The Social Fund committees meet at least twice a year and for situations considered as exceptional, they may meet in an extraordinary session. Most of this aid is for hospitalisations, medical evacuations and dental expenses. The next Social Fund Commission will take place on 8 June 2021.
In practice
The file must contain the following documents:
– The completed form to be downloaded opposite
– Proof of treatment and payment of the benefits in question
– The certificate of reimbursement by the I.M.S.
– Photocopies of benefits paid (or not paid) by the member’s complementary health insurance, if available