Dear friends,
This newsletter brings together news from the International Missionary Benefit Society. It is placed under the sign of solidarity in this period of health crisis that is shaking the whole world. We assure you of our prayer and fraternal support.
Calling on the Social Fund
In this time of pandemic, International Missionary Benefit Society groups may face particular economic difficulties, especially in providing health care.....
International Missionary Benefit Society intervenes to pay aid to affiliated members on presentation of medical bills. When the expenses are important....
During the Covid-19 epidemic, there is a decrease in emergency room visits and hospital admissions for other conditions. There is also a decline in the use of health care, which is a health concern. Patients are afraid to go to their doctors and to go to hospital because of the risk of contracting Covid or other diseases. However, it....
The forms for group membership, application for special membership, individual membership, application for a reduction in contribution, summary of expenditure....
Our Lady of Good Help, through the ages, our fathers have cried out to you and you have heard their prayers. In the plagues, wars and misfortunes of the ages, you have given them hope and peace. Protect our city to this day,each of its inhabitants and those responsible for it. Give us the ability to live together in brotherhood,....